What is Vexos

Vexos, is a full service, high-mix, low- to mid volume electrical related things producing and a great custom metal solutions supplier with high proven track record of producing state-of-the-art solutions to a diverse group of OEMs and other these type of product based companies with a great quality.

Customer-Focused Solutions

They are offering customer-focused solutions of customers problems, tailoring its service offerings to seamlessly integrate with other companies supply chain necessity. Companies get from programs needing PCB assembly to fully service box make solutions to final assembly which will be shipped to your warehouse or send directly to customer, as well as RMA and repair depot services, flexibility in our service offerings by which Vexos can easily adapt to any companies specific program requirements.

Vexos was featured with TALK BUSINESS 360

TALK BUSINESS 360 produce innovative TV program called “Industry Innovators” which is one of the popular business show in USA and available in whole USA through Fox business network and also show is telecast on American Airlines which has 15K flights everyday worldwide.

Paul Jona, CEO and President of vexos gives a high-level overview of Vexos services & capabilities, key markets & new technologies driving our industry, and looking in to the future for Vexos.

Full video Link: https://www.vexos.com/talk-business-360-tv

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